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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Communication is what makes us human: More tips for thinking, writing and speaking in a world of quicksand communications

51. Time to talk or to think.
Knowing the inner workings of your internal clock, schedule important “talking and thinking times.”  Reserve your important work for the time of the day or night when you feel most alert and attentive. It isn’t always possible, but knowing your inner best times will alert you to prepare yourself to be at your best with an extra nap, walk around the block or cup of coffee before an early or late class.
52. Buenos dias, buenas tardes and buenas noches.
Don’t you enjoy a gentle reminder that you are recognized just for being you? In any language you prefer, greet the people you encounter with a wish for a good morning, evening or night. The pleasant words don’t cost a cent, but they may be the first nice words a person’s heard in hours.
53. Say goodbye, connect and give thanks.
We may never pass this way again. Your presence is your present, but the gift wrap is in the smiles during your arrivals and departures. In a party or any business meeting it’s nearly always better to connect with as many people as you are able with a short hello, a handshake and a brief exchange. Likewise for endings. Be the person who makes eye contact, shakes hands to say goodbye. 
54. Take the leap. Ask the big questions along with the small.
Meeting someone new is a great opportunity to chat about family, work and also about what you don’t know. Ask “what is lighting up your brain these days?” In my experience, people’s eyes light up and they are thrilled to talk about their passions and interests.
55. What can you learn about communication from a child?
We all need to be heard. Trust is established by the inch and destroyed in the blink of an eye. Listening and letting the other person speak at their own rate or pace, without interruption, starts the journey of an encounter of  few brief moments, or a long friendship.


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